When the world stood still

In the fourth blog of our series with Alex Hurt, she brought us the simplicities of well-being that makes a difference to your daily life.
So.. curl up with your favourite wellness tea, light a candle and read Alex’s musings to put a smile on your face and some goodness into your day.
It’s raining here in Suffolk, it’s pouring. The splitter splatter forcefully dancing over the windows, rushing down the roads like rivers. The splashing of water from wheels passing puddles, sodden shoes and ankles. Is this it? Is this the end of our beautiful sunny spells? Today I’ll be baking a birthday cake for my neighbour’s daughter. Since lockdown like many other baking enthusiasts out there, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the kitchen creating and then sweetening up my neighbours with my baked wares. As a singleton my neighbours in lockdown have been like family to me, and baking for them is a way of appreciating their friendship, and a bite of comfort in trying times. Going into lockdown seems like a world away as we all emerge different people as we wake up. Who was there when the world stood still for you?
This week we are celebrating national ‘Best Friends Day’ on Monday 8th June. Steeping as I type is Happiness Tea; to brighten up this very rainy day… and the perfect wellness tea partner to wrap your hands around as you are chatting on zoom to your bestie. Packed with lush lemons for an uplifting kick, subtle spice and floral rose notes it really is rather tasty and refreshing. Many of us are certainly coming out of lockdown a lot wiser than we went in to it. We have learned not only do we need much less to bring us happiness and uncomplicated life, but also we can trim down our friend circle to those that really count. Who has been there for you when things got real? Who have you reconnected with and realised how much you missed them. Equally who haven’t you missed?
Perhaps now is the time to filter out the people in your life that no longer are there for you, or that don’t bring anything to the table but stress. Identify the feelings that you get when you spend time with people, and if it’s not positive move on. If this pandemic has done anything, it’s made us appreciative of everything that we have. The unlimited conversations on video calls, the chats with our neighbours that we have never noticed before. The gifted time to reach out to old friends on different continents caught in the same storm. As we emerge lets hold on to that gratitude, new born love and connection.
I’ve found that when life slowed down I was able to give more thought to others, and realised how well I knew them yet hadn’t paid enough attention in recent times. Always busy with work, helping others is my job but helping friends is my love. Take a second now to consider how you have connected with your friends differently, and moving forwards what you want to maintain. It’s going to be very easy to slip back into the absorption of life and work soon, but what will stick with you from lockdown?
As I stare out of the window, the sun is beginning to shine and the blue sky is back. That didn’t last for long, but I’m sure we all needed the refresh button clicked. With the government guidelines easing and social activity on the increase, who will you be seeing soon? Perhaps you’ve planned a garden party or a cocktail hour with your besties? My friends at Camellias Teas have collaborated with Jindea Gin and produced a citrus -forward aromatic gin, with aromatic spices, peaches, apricots and… Darjeeling tea! Well, what a refreshing beverage for an afternoon chat in the back garden- oh yes please! Well worth a tipple – and incidentally there’s now no better excuse to try out their new gin as it’s National Gin Day too!

Another week closer to the new normal, don’t forget to share your feelings with your besties, chances are they are feeling it too. Happy National Best Friend Day and a mighty good cheers to National Gin Day too! Until next time… stay dry,
Continue your Wellness Journey with Alex’s fifth blog “The World Is Waking“.