
Certain teas and herbs are commonly used around the world to promote digestion and manage cholesterol ingestion from fatty foods. We have used some of these to create a range of teas that may help improve digestion when combined with a healthy lifestyle.
Camellia’s White Jasmine and Apricot
Uplifting and indulgent, this gentle blend of white and green…
From £7.95
Camellia’s White Jasmine and Apricot - Teabags
Uplifting and indulgent, this gentle blend of white and green…
From £7.95
Floral and herbaceous, this handmade blend is packed with vitamins…
From £6.95
Cleansing and refreshingly minty, this handmade blend is packed with…
From £7.95
Energising and herbaceous, this handmade blend is packed with vitamins…
From £6.95
Naturally sweet and soothing, this handmade blend is packed with…
From £6.95
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